she who keeps this diary

28 January 2004 - 2:11 PM


I suppose for my one-hundredth entry I should strive for something deeply reflective. On the other hand, I have spent the last day or two defusing an old friend who is annoyed with the Peerages in general (but not with the fact that she is not a Peer, which was a small novelty) and I am fresh out of empathy, not to mention diplomacy. Here's the short form: the medallion doesn't make you psychic, doesn't make you immune to frustration, and doesn't prevent you from needing time off. Everyone got that? Good.

Speaking of time off, I have another day off school. Today the Viking did have to go to work though, so it doesn't have quite the holiday feel of the previous ones. On the other hand, I'm actually getting more done on the sewing projects than I did while he was here, so I guess it balances out. Tomorrow I suspect the educational system will begin functioning again, although we were scheduled for a 2-hour delay anyway. Hah, I just remembered that Back-to-School night for this term was supposed to be tonight. I guess that's cancelled for this evening. No rush to reschedule as far as I'm concerned, either.

The dagged hood is to the point where I can (must) start the actual dagging. Rather than cut out lots of floppy bits and try to sew them together, I cut it out plain and will stitch the dags in as part of the hemming process. It should work, if I can only find my chalk.

Then buttons and buttonholes, tra la tra la.

verso - recto

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