she who keeps this diary

05 September 2003 - 2:13 PM

Tuna Casserole

I still don't have anything quite like an actual diagnosis for Grandpapa (other than the infection) but Maman related a better list of symptoms and I'm of the growing suspicion that it was a combination of illness and exhaustion from running around catering to Grandmaman's whims. The Viking will probably have a good idea of what's actually going on, but since we're both at work I will have to wait to talk to him about it. At any rate it doesn't look like a stroke or even anything neurological. I am hoping, probably foolishly, that Grandmaman will calm down and behave for a few days.

We're not going to Coronation; we have just too much to deal with around the house, and if Grandpapa is unwell it's better to stay close to home. I'd like to finish painting my baseboards (and maybe start moving some furniture back into the sewing room) and the Viking needs to tinker with his vehicle. We need to go grocery shopping in an organised way; we haven't done that since before Pennsic.

It all sounds so very pedestrian, doesn't it? Paint and auto maintenance and shopping lists. I'm sure there are people out there leading banana-nut-crunch lives; mine is more like tuna casserole. The garden isn't even anything to wax rhapsodic about. The new bulbs won't be arriving until the end of the month, and other than the clematis I planted this summer at last putting out new growth, the existing jungle isn't much worth mentioning. I should thin the demmed water hyacinths in the front pond, too. Won't that just liven everything up?

Consolation in tulips, once again; I am reading Anna Pavord's The Tulip after years of intending to do so. Warning: the paperback edition is abridged. It contains only part I (the historical chapters) of the hardcover book; part II, which deals with tulip varieties, is not included in the paperback. Social and economic historians will probably be content with the paperback, but gardeners will want the hardcover.

Some facts about Shakespeare and Macbeth from the little darlings:

[Early acting companies] would set a platform in an enclosed innyard. People could watch the plays from widows.

Lady Macbeth believes her husband is too full of the mills of human kindness.

In Act II, Macbeth illusinates about a dagger.

Hume of woman born shall harm Macbeth.

Macbeth is very brootle.

And did you know that Shakespeare�s plays were performed in the famous Colobe Theatre?

verso - recto

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